About Our Traditional Thai Massage

A traditional Thai massage focuses on yoga-inspired stretches along with adding gentle pressure to the body’s energy flow lines to achieve sublime relaxation and release tension. The body’s energy lines are called ‘Sen Lines’ and are found on the legs, arms, back, feet and hand. By adding subtle pressure to each line in constant motions will target the tissue and circulation to help the blood flow throughout the body and increases muscle flexibility.

Stretching each part of the body allows you to move more freely and get rid of muscle stiffness and fatigue. Due to the yoga-like methods involved in a traditional Thai massage, it will also give the chance to meditate and clear the mind, achieving overall improved mental well-being.

Benefits of a Traditional Thai Massage

  • Stretches the body to correct posture and increase muscle flexibility
  • Relieves tension headaches through targeting pressure points
  • Helps achieve better blood circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Relaxes the body to regulate blood pressure
  • Clears and calms the mind to promote a deeper sleep
  • Helps to detox the body and boost the immune system
  • Proven pain relief, particularly for back issues


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Customer Testimonial

"Sabai Massage is the best place to go to feel relaxed and revived. I often suffer from neck and shoulder stiffness and aches due to sitting at an office desk all day, so I really benefit from regularly booking in for a Thai massage to stretch my back and regain posture. Would highly recommend!"